Joining Robotics

What is First Robotics?

FIRST Robotics is an international scientific competition that focuses on the field of Robotics. Thousands of teams around the world compete in this prestigious competition. This competition helps students enter and if they choose to do so, stay in the field of STEM. This program can teach students teamwork skills, leadership skills, writing skills, and give them a greater knowledge about the field of STEM. Saber Robotics is one of the teams in this prestigious organization and we seek to uphold the values of FIRST and help all of our members grow. If you want to know more about our team please go to the Our Team page. If you want answers to FAQ’s please scroll down below.

Why Should I Join Saber Robotics?

Joining Saber Robotics, which is a team in the prestigious FIRST Robotics program, is a great way for you to gain hands on experience in the field of STEM and learn important teamwork skills. This club is also a great extracurricular activity to put on your college application if you are going to college.   

What can I do in Saber Robotics?

Once you join Saber Robotics, you have the option of joining any of our 5 equally important Sub-Teams. These Sub-Teams are Business, Coding, Mechanical, Electrical, and Design. More information about each of these can be found in Our Team > Sub-Teams drop-down up top. 

How are the Time Commitments like for this Club?

Robotics is a very time intensive club. Once you join the club there are 2 time periods through the season. 1st comes preseason which generally takes place between the end of October through the very Beginning of January. During this time frame, you need to show up every Monday from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm for practices. After the first week of January, the amount of practices we have significantly increases. This time period which runs January through the beginning of March is build season. During this time, you need to show up to practices every Monday and Wednesday from 6-9 pm while also coming every Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm. This season also has our 2 competitions which are each multiple days – the St. Louis and Milwaukee regional (more info about the timings of these can be found in the calendar). 

Is Joining this Club worth my Time? 

YES YES YES! Saber Robotics is an incredibly fun club for anyone who is even remotely interested in STEM. This club will teach you many important skills that will come into play in whatever career you choose later on in life. 

Any other information can be found throughout our website.