Sponsors play a major role in our success as a competitive First Robotics Team. You can donate funds or specific equipment, such as tools, laptops, and raw materials to our team. The monetary proceeds are used to cover the expenses for the registration of our team, transportation of our members to competitions, and materials needed for the construction of the robot. Without our sponsors our team would have little to no resources to succeed.
Sponsoring our team also has benefits for you! Our competitions have thousands of student and adult attendees. If you sponsor our team, your company gets promotion and marketing at competitions. Depending on how much you give, your logos will be printed on our shirts and our robot. Your organization also gets publicity through our social media accounts and website. Sponsoring our team gives your organization a new and unique marketing opportunity which could potentially increase exposure to your organization by thousands of people.
Please see the brochure below for more information to see how your investment will have an impact on the 2506 Saber Robotics Team and Our Community.